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John Larson,  South Ward City Council Member Announces for Reelection 

John Larson, who represents Winston-Salem’s South Ward on City Council, announced he will seek re-election in 2020. Larson was first elected in 2016. 

Larson has lived in the South Ward for 43 years. Prior to serving on City Council, John worked for Old Salem for 37 years, retiring as Vice President for Architectural Restoration. John served as a Captain in the US Army and is the only veteran on City Council. Currently Larson serves on the board of the Moravian Archives, River Run Film Festival and Creative Corridors Coalition, Piedmont Triad Regional Council and Vice-Chairman of the Public Works Committee.

Under John’s leadership the South Ward has benefitted from:

  • Increased recruitment of police and fire fighters with a pay bonus to military veterans 
  • Over 3.9 million for park and stroll way improvements 
  • Over 2.1 million to improve street and sidewalks 
  • A new South Ward fire station 
  • Giving priority to protecting our neighborhoods and small business
  • His activation of the city’s Sustainability Council 
  • His accessibility and quick response time 
  • Acquisition of the farm land of noted Moravian African-American Peter Oliver for a park and museum 

“I am grateful for the opportunity to serve”, Larson said, “and I thank the residents of the South Ward for that honor. I am asking for their continued support knowing that the experience and knowledge that I have gained in my first term, will make me even more effective in my second term. Establishing new parks, continued focus on public safety, support for all the neighborhoods and small business in the ward will be among my top priorities.”

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